Monday, January 12, 2009

Return from Sabbatical

To my right was a middle aged black male, who I'll call Jaded Jamaican, and to his right was an elderly white male who I'll call Overt Oldy. O.O ordered a beer, and after a few sips of this fine alcoholic cuisine, I realized. . .. HE LOST HIS MIND. J.J quickly fell asleep, and in between reading The Desire of Ages, I noticed that O.O kept looking at me periodically. Amidst this staring session, O.O proceeded to wake J.J up whenever the flight attendants walked by. J.J quickly became annoyed [LOL] Finally, I reciprocated with an equally spurious stare, and we locked eyes. Man-o-man did this open Pandora's Box of unwanted conversation. Needless to say I immediately regretted that decision.

He told me his life story about how he got wasted after drinking scotch and vodka, whipped out his shotgun and began firing at unassuming civilians in his TN hometown. According to his epic tale, cops quickly arrived and situated snipers between neighboring houses. At this point in the conversation, I questioned his sanity, but his next statement caused me to realize how deranged he really was. He told me that he was thrilled by the red dots from the snipers whisping around in his face. [!!!] Needless to say, they shot him in the arm.

Think this got him down? No way. He told me how happy he was that he got shot because he receives $3000/year for disability. He finally told me the following quotation, "I don't drink anymore. .'s all about staying high." From this point onward, the conversation, as you can imagine, went further downhill and was filled with racial biases concerning the election coupled with his feelings on black people. After all of this, he proceeded to show me pictures of his grandchildren, and he offered me some of his beer. I declined of course. lol

Situations like these are tough. What do you do? I didnt want to be mean and evict myself from the conversation, but being more attentive seemed to break the levies of the verbal waterfall of his conversation. Has anyone ever been faced with this social plight?

After this discourse, however, I realized I need to revamp my blog. As always, to those few and faithful souls who read, comments are appreciated.

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