Sunday, September 14, 2008


Contrary to the popular belief, I am alive. I'm quite alive actually, but I'm quite sickly. Boy oh boy is college taking its toll on me. I've got loads of reading to do on a regular basis, and its consuming my free time also! How dare those professors assign work which would cut into my free time. Preposterous! Well, I'm posting again, primarily due to one person's concern.

Alot has happened since my last post. Well......only a few things happened. The world actually didnt get sucked into a black hole thanks to those genuiuses at CERN, and there isnt WW3....YET!

At present, I'm eating a peach and staring 30pgs of the Odyssey in the face. Scholarly, no?
Later I'll post an update on my past two weeks of college life.

I'm getting married?

Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm a Lost Baby Whale. . . . .

"A lost baby whale which captured hearts around the world as it tried to suckle from an Australian yacht it thought was its mother was killed Friday to end its suffering, wildlife rangers said." (

Sometimes, being a new face at college and not knowing anyone, I feel like a lost baby whale. I guess we all feel like that from time to time. It's good to keep in touch with old friends and family in those lost baby whale moments. They're kind of the whale's yacht, y'know?

I dont anticipate being euthanized like the whale had to be in the end, but I'm sure you all see my point.

Higher Cognitive Thinking

That's a fancy title, isnt it?
It should be.
I'm now a freshman in college miles away from home. These first couple of days have been tough. Ive been here for 2days now, and it feels like a week. I left the kind, sweet, nurturing arms of my mother, and I came to a realize how helpless I am in life. Suddenly, I realize that I need to figure out how to do laundry, clean my room, and handle myself in the world. What a daunting concept, huh?

Its day 2 now, and I think I'm doing alright. Crazy thing happened today. We had to do a community service activity today where freshman were asked to mulch a park. I did this and ended up being covered in fire ants. Needless to say, I got bit MANY TIMES, and I had the pleasure of finding out that I'm allergic. How choice, huh?

It gets better.

4 hours later we left the park, and I got to find out the validity in the adage "ants in your pants".
I'll just stop there. Hopefully I'm conveying my angst in a properly.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

10/4/2008- the Day of No Sun and Intergalactic CO2 Emisions?

Earlier today I viewed the following Youtube video:

Apparently on this date, October 14, 2008, a UFO of unimaginable proportions (20 miles in length) is supposed to unleash psychedelic force field and hover over many states on this little blue ball in space we know as Earth. How strange.

I'm not worried about this at all because these UFO seem to be peaceful (rofl). I do wonder, however, how will a spacecraft measuring 20mi in length in our atmosphere affect global warming? I mean, these aliens claim to be trying to save us from the apocalypse, yet they decide to pollute our atmosphere while they hover over us for 3days? How sweet.

There's a lot of hub bub going on about this and whethere it will happen or not. Seers and channeler say yes, but I highly doubt it. Only time will tell.

Keep you eyes open!
(You might miss the giant 20 mile long spacecraft in the sky for 3days if you're not observant)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Anticlimactic move, Apple.

So, I'm listening to Dragonforce's new single Heroes of Our Time, and I'm totally hyped up on this fresh melody at 200bpm. (If you didnt know, Dragonforce is like an auditory orgasm) Needless to say, I'm in an unbelievable land of ridiculous beats and guitar rifts where whammy bars live free, and I stumble upon the following article titled "Best Buy to sell iPhones in September" (;title)

And just like that, the ride was over. Man, that brought me down. Am I the only one that enjoys the walking into the Apple store and the feeling that you've just entered a futuristic realm of all that is metalic and .....well...exclusively Apple?

Money is a great thing, and sure, Apple will no doubt gain more sales if they expand the locations where their product is being sold, but you've got to draw the line somwhere. Somethings, like where the glorious, and arguably infallible, iPhone 3G is sold should just be kept sacred and exclusive to the Apple Store and maybe . . .JUST MAYBE the ATT store.

Why, Steve Jobs? Why?

First Blog Entry

Hey all,

The name's Erik. Mine is atleast, but on this blog, I go by Quark. Why am I blogging? Well, I'd like to believe that I've got a mildly interesting live here on Earth. Hopefully that should set me apart from all of the other folksies out there. I aspire to become a professional blogger some time soon.

This blog really doesnt have any specific target. It's not dedicated to food, games, technology, or any of the like I mean. The world is a pretty big place. I figure if I dont have a specific topic/target, I'll have more to write about.

So, in this blog, I'll be focussing on any and everything that crosses my mind as I aimlessly wander about cyberspace or throughout my day.

I'd love to have feedback. If anything interests anyone, do post a response!