Friday, January 23, 2009

Word of the Day!


Today's word comes straight from Denmark and describes the act of ramming an incomprehensible amount of food into one's mouth akin to a hamster shoving endless food into its enormous cheeks.

Chuck, be polite! Quit hamstering all of Trisha's peanuts! We just bought our own!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

MLK Weekend

How sweet is a 4 day weekend for any hard working college student?

I'll tell you. It's hard to articulate. It's about as magical as the most l33t MMO known to man.. . .

it's wonderful.

As such, I've spent the last 4 days partying and blowing off my resolution to blog daily, BUT I'm making up for it now. [right?]

At any college party, there's going to be drinking. It's guaranteed, and along with drinking inevitably comes. . . ..Well guess.

Smoking? No.

Eating? No.

Sexing? No.....maybe?

The correct gerund is VOMITING.

I was fortunate enough to snag the picture above. For all of you n00bs out there, I have the following ancient Chinese proverb. . .



I figured I'd fire off another update as an FYI. These are two super cool apps which are up for free. Below is SimCity1.0, and on the left is TRIS. Tris is no longer offered on the app store since it was removed awhile ago. You can't get this anywhere else!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Conversational Minesweeper

Have you ever played this nifty little game? I'm sure you have because it's the story of my life and explains a few of my social encounters with the opposite sex. Here's how this little game goes:

     You find yourself, by some means or another, speaking with someone of the opposite sex whom you're interested in. The conversation is going so well, and you're saying all the right things. Naturally, she's digging everything you say, and things couldn't be better. Then, without warning or rational cause to the male brain, something goes wrong. . . . 

      Just like that, you've said something with the purest of intentions that she perceives in some deranged manner, and the conversation comes to an abrupt halt and results in one or both parties agreeing to call/talk/chat/IM with at a later date in time.

                                                                GAME OVER

I hate these situations, and I really do feel like I'm playing minesweeper where with one swift and innocent conversational click, a conversational mine goes off thus stifling the social interaction. With this in mind, I coined this social phenomenon: "Social Minesweeper". Expect it on with all deliberate speed. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kinda Choppy, but It's a Start

I realized that the more I blog, the further down older posts go on my page. Interesting concept, huh? lol

With that in mind, I added the iPhone App link and the MakeItReality donation link to my PROFILE. So, for future bloggers, check my PROFILE if you're interested in the above listed items. It's not to stylistically laid out on the profile, but it's  a start lol. It'll get better. I promise.

Concerning MakeItReality, the YouTube account is there, but I'll have to edit the page and make a video for this worthy cause. STAY TUNED

PS- Any YouTube page editor/video creator pros out there willing to lend a hand?

Good News!

Two viewers downloaded some of the Apps I posted [wooot!]
Still no comments or suggestions though, but Rome wasn't built in a day, right? :)
Anyway, I'll press on.

I posted a YouTube video alerting YouTubers to my Blog and App files, and to those of you who visited my blog on that account: Thanks and Welcome. In the video, I alluded to the fact that the economy is rough, etc. Basically, if you're an American with half a brain (and two eyes), you know what I'm talking about. This was a factor in branching out and posting these Apps.

Today, another idea came to mind that I've been mulling around for quite some time: a humanitarian web-based project powered on love for human-kind. Sounds great so far, right? Let me explain. Basically, what I'd like to do is give viewers the option to post video comments of themselves and their needs- small or great. I'm not sure if you can post viewer comments on, but I created a YouTube account awhile back for this worthy cause. I shudder to call this idea an organization as it's not official or anything. Right now I'd like it to be a movement in the makings. I call it "Make It Reality". 

I'll try to post a Donation Button below or somewhere visible on my blog. The funds donated will go STRICTLY to helping those individuals in need as seen in video posts. My YouTube account is named after this cause and is also called, MakeItReality. I'd really like some feedback on this one. Donations are anonymous and love based to aid individuals in need. Feedback and donations will determine whether this cause is maintained on my part mostly.

Questions? E-mail me at

Here's my first spin at a donation button: 
I've already made my donation :)

Comment Below

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Idea!

Hello All!

iPhones are cool, right? Of course they are. Especially with Apple+ATT's mobile subsidy! Last I've heard, Walmart is now selling them for 99USD! Soon they'll be laying around in the streets. True story.

VERDICT:Now America is a monoculture of iPhone users. Well, that's not entirely true as there is some variation. The only difference is the amount of memory citizens have and whether they happen to have the new 3G model which is differentiated in white and black models [ironic, huh?].

Okay, enough conspiracy theories linked to iPhones. Here's my idea:

I just so happen to have this phone, and it's cool, so I decided that I'd spread the coolness and perhaps generate some traffic for this here blog. Below is a link of iPhone applications straight from the App store. They're all up for grabs in a most delectable spyware free manner. Did I mention they're free? That's right- GRATIS!

Here you'll find the following 23 Apps which may be Free or Priced on the App Store:

Sim City, AIM, Easy Wi-Fi, Facebook, Fake-A-Call, Flixter, Fring, Fring, Google Earth, Google, Magic Pad, Natural Cures, Night Stand, Scribble, Shakespeare, Shazam, Translator, Tris, Units, WeDict, WhiteNoise, Wikipanion, AroundMe, and the Bible.Why would you need this instead of downloading them from the App store straight to your device in a most convenient manner? Well, hopefully this method will ease your pocket some, but apart from that obvious response. . YOU TELL ME! Post your comments in the box below :)

Also, drop some suggestions by too! Are there any Apps you're interested in? Comment on your App reviews and requests alike.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Return from Sabbatical

To my right was a middle aged black male, who I'll call Jaded Jamaican, and to his right was an elderly white male who I'll call Overt Oldy. O.O ordered a beer, and after a few sips of this fine alcoholic cuisine, I realized. . .. HE LOST HIS MIND. J.J quickly fell asleep, and in between reading The Desire of Ages, I noticed that O.O kept looking at me periodically. Amidst this staring session, O.O proceeded to wake J.J up whenever the flight attendants walked by. J.J quickly became annoyed [LOL] Finally, I reciprocated with an equally spurious stare, and we locked eyes. Man-o-man did this open Pandora's Box of unwanted conversation. Needless to say I immediately regretted that decision.

He told me his life story about how he got wasted after drinking scotch and vodka, whipped out his shotgun and began firing at unassuming civilians in his TN hometown. According to his epic tale, cops quickly arrived and situated snipers between neighboring houses. At this point in the conversation, I questioned his sanity, but his next statement caused me to realize how deranged he really was. He told me that he was thrilled by the red dots from the snipers whisping around in his face. [!!!] Needless to say, they shot him in the arm.

Think this got him down? No way. He told me how happy he was that he got shot because he receives $3000/year for disability. He finally told me the following quotation, "I don't drink anymore. .'s all about staying high." From this point onward, the conversation, as you can imagine, went further downhill and was filled with racial biases concerning the election coupled with his feelings on black people. After all of this, he proceeded to show me pictures of his grandchildren, and he offered me some of his beer. I declined of course. lol

Situations like these are tough. What do you do? I didnt want to be mean and evict myself from the conversation, but being more attentive seemed to break the levies of the verbal waterfall of his conversation. Has anyone ever been faced with this social plight?

After this discourse, however, I realized I need to revamp my blog. As always, to those few and faithful souls who read, comments are appreciated.