Thursday, January 15, 2009

Conversational Minesweeper

Have you ever played this nifty little game? I'm sure you have because it's the story of my life and explains a few of my social encounters with the opposite sex. Here's how this little game goes:

     You find yourself, by some means or another, speaking with someone of the opposite sex whom you're interested in. The conversation is going so well, and you're saying all the right things. Naturally, she's digging everything you say, and things couldn't be better. Then, without warning or rational cause to the male brain, something goes wrong. . . . 

      Just like that, you've said something with the purest of intentions that she perceives in some deranged manner, and the conversation comes to an abrupt halt and results in one or both parties agreeing to call/talk/chat/IM with at a later date in time.

                                                                GAME OVER

I hate these situations, and I really do feel like I'm playing minesweeper where with one swift and innocent conversational click, a conversational mine goes off thus stifling the social interaction. With this in mind, I coined this social phenomenon: "Social Minesweeper". Expect it on with all deliberate speed. 

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