Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Good News!

Two viewers downloaded some of the Apps I posted [wooot!]
Still no comments or suggestions though, but Rome wasn't built in a day, right? :)
Anyway, I'll press on.

I posted a YouTube video alerting YouTubers to my Blog and App files, and to those of you who visited my blog on that account: Thanks and Welcome. In the video, I alluded to the fact that the economy is rough, etc. Basically, if you're an American with half a brain (and two eyes), you know what I'm talking about. This was a factor in branching out and posting these Apps.

Today, another idea came to mind that I've been mulling around for quite some time: a humanitarian web-based project powered on love for human-kind. Sounds great so far, right? Let me explain. Basically, what I'd like to do is give viewers the option to post video comments of themselves and their needs- small or great. I'm not sure if you can post viewer comments on, but I created a YouTube account awhile back for this worthy cause. I shudder to call this idea an organization as it's not official or anything. Right now I'd like it to be a movement in the makings. I call it "Make It Reality". 

I'll try to post a Donation Button below or somewhere visible on my blog. The funds donated will go STRICTLY to helping those individuals in need as seen in video posts. My YouTube account is named after this cause and is also called, MakeItReality. I'd really like some feedback on this one. Donations are anonymous and love based to aid individuals in need. Feedback and donations will determine whether this cause is maintained on my part mostly.

Questions? E-mail me at

Here's my first spin at a donation button: 
I've already made my donation :)

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