You're persistent. No. That's an understatement. Viewers, some of you are nice, but others are quite relentless! These adamant, heartless, and somewhat loving souls nag, e-mail, text, and even facebook me requesting blogs! Where do such people get off? The nerve of them!
JUST KIDDING!The fact is: I've been really meaning to blog for awhile now, but I've been just too darn busy as you'll see in this blog. My mental "blogging sense" has been tingling for awhile. Nevertheless, life has been unusually interesting, so this blog might be worth reading. . . .hopefully.
The photo for this blog is quite different than most. For one, if you notice, it has nothing to do with me, and for me, it evokes a lot of emotion and hesitance. It does, however, have EVERYTHING to do with what I call my "April Fools From Above". I've only told 6 people about this occurrence in person; I didn't plan on telling anyone else really. But my viewers are special, so today if you're reading my blog, you'll get the full dream as I recall it best. I promise.
On March 31st of last week, I had quite the unusual dream. I was on my way to go to church with my mom, and as usual, she rushed into my room and chastised me because I always wait for the last minute to get ready. (Funny thing about guys- we get ready in <10minutes, style="font-style: italic;">stopped doing certain things, I would one day return. I was not pleased that I had to leave, and my body language suggested that I protested having to leave (the dream was in third person by the way). The scene changed and I was on a straight dirt road surrounded by a forest on the left and right sides of me. I walked straight along the road, and a song from a popular metal band that I listened to came into my head, and I remember thinking, "No. I can't think about this if I want to go to heaven." I dismissed the thought from my head and walked along the straight road, and a group of my friends from high school surrounded me eventually all asking me to hang out and go to the movies all at once. I stepped out of their circle and said with my hands raised as though I was overwhelmed and flustered and said, "Whoa. I can't do that. Jesus said that I can't do that if I want to go to heaven." And I woke up.
I was very hesitant about sharing this dream at first. I'm still a little unnerved as I write even now because it is quite an outlandish dream. I won't go into the interpretation of it at all. I'll let my viewers take a stab at it. If you care to, comment on what you think it means or if you think it means something at all. I will tell you that since then, I ceased listening to music of that ilk, and whenever a thought comes to my head of that genre of music, I try to shrug it off, although it's becoming increasingly more difficult- especially as of late.
Okay. All supernatural occurrences aside, life in the academic world has been increasingly busy as of late! I formulated my 4 year plan for my double major in Biology and Spanish with a minor in Psychology, and I'm slowly, but surely, working away at it now. I've come to accept the fact that I'll be taking summer courses for the next 3 summers of my life, and that every semester from here onwards will be increasingly difficult. For example, next fall I'll tentatively be taking 19 credit hours in the following courses: Biology: Human Sexuality, Biology Oral Presentations, English: Human Nature of the Social Order, Teacher's Assistance in a Spanish Learning Community Class, Historical Spanish Literature and Chemistry I and Lab. I've also mentally committed to joining the Navy after undergrad. to offset most of the costs of Medical School thus ensuring me a constant, though likely non stationary job, as Naval Heart Surgeon 8 years down the line of time.Things will be tough, but I will not say the dreaded 3 letter acronym that I blogged about earlier, although its index is quite high on facebook and throughout campuses throughout the nation during this time, I'm sure.
In Biology Lab. right now, I'm a part of the Macro-Invertebrates group, and I had the pleasure of going with my group to the Blue Heron Nature Preserve to collect macro invertebrates, invertebrates which function as indicators of water quality. All and all, we spent three hours sifting, looking, and catching in boots with water up to your kneed, and if you were lucky like me, you got water in your boots. Check out the pictures below.

If my memory serves me correctly, above is a Crane Fly Maggot

As of Monday of this week at around 4am, I began campaigning to be Sophomore class President. My team and I stayed up until 5am working out the kinks and editing my campaign commercial which was posted on facebook. Consequently, for staying up so late, I failed a Biology quiz. At least I'll be class President, and that totally makes up for the 50% I got on that quiz. . . .right? lol. While taking the quiz, I observed an interesting social phenomenon that, I believe, occurs mostly during quizzes, tests, or any situation where individuals are focused in a quiet and populated area. I think I'll call it
The Law of Sniffs. The LoS states that: Every individual in this situation has an innate desire to sniff in a most annoying presence, but everyone is so self conscious that no one wants to be the first sniffer, BUT when that first sniff happens, 3-7 sniffs happen in a domino effect that would make the observer wonder if someone is passing the cold/flu around the room. This law might be a stretch, folks, but it's true! Take a moment to listen to the sequence of sniffs during your next examination. I think this works for coughs too. Anyway, despite not knowing 50% of the other information on the quiz, I did learn some new information yesterday. Oglethorpe University had a health fair, and I attended. Below you'll see all of the items I snagged for free. Ah the joys of being a poor and miserly college student.

As you can see, I stocked up on multicolored condoms, odorless female deodorant, fruit snacks that tasted like Vaseline, toothpaste, "Goody's", and female shaving cream- the bare essentials.
As I perused the layout of free items, I tried to get in and grab whatever I could without soliciting conversation from the person standing at the opposite end of their table. Usually avoiding eye contact works, but this one guy had a table equipped with carbonated beverages aligned in a triangular shape of trippy colors promising a sure caffeinated delight with a curious sign which challenged my intellectual capabilities. I was drawn in like a fly into a bug zapper. I'm sure you will be too after you see the image below:

Compare. Such a simple command juxtaposed with varying amounts of sugar and cans which offer consumers an energy orgasm. I was shocked to notice how much sugar is loaded in many of the popular energy drinks though. I'm not sure if you can make out the images in this mini-picture, but if you click it, I'm sure it enlarges in a new window. If not, let me run by the sugar counts in a couple of the popular ones: Full Throttle: 37g, Red Bull: 27g, and Rockstar 31g.
Those of you who will be driven to consume such beverages during finals week- beware! Each can almost entirely guarantees you diabetes when you're older. Looking for that caffeinated kick without the sugar? Well just focus at the top of the pyramid and you'll find XS Energy Drink which supposedly offers the same energy boost without any sugar. It even has herbs, a stellar blend of B-vitamins, and comes without caffeine upon request. Give it a whirl, and save your brain and body from a sugar crash for once. It's supposed to work, or at least that's what Ralph, the representative told me. :)
After I left Ralph's booth, I turned around and saw a pretty bowl full of Twix bars. I was sold. I dove in for the kill, and I realized that the candy was situated on the female gynecologist table. In this moment, I faced a similar mental conflict to the one every guy faces when their significant other asks them to go into a female store. I was hesitant, but in an effort to please my lover whom I call Duodenum, I did eat. (Did you catch the Bio joke there?) I was kind of glad I did actually because the ladies behind the desk assured me that they had nothing at the table that could POSSIBLY interest me. They encouraged me to take their chocolate and go on about my business. Well their reverse psychology wouldn't work on me! After they said this, I looked around that table like I looked at no other. Wait until you see what they wanted me to miss.
ARTIFICIAL BOOBSThat's right, ladies and gentlemen. They almost duped me into believing that I was not interested in breasts. After all, which guy is- they probably reasoned. Viewers, I was born at night, but not LAST night! I inquired about these two varying skin toned mock mammary gland pouches and inquired of their importance. The told me they were for breast examinations. AHA!
At this rate- I was utterly disgusted and turned away screaming for dear life.
AS IF!I made them teach me how to give a proper breast examination! Viewers, I'll share this information with you for free. Here's how you do it. First, you place your hands in a cup shape. . .almost like the shape your hand would have when turning a door knob, and you
lightly and
gently circumnavigate the breast. I think this part is for both the patient and doctor's pleasure, although the ladies who taught me this never endorsed this idea. Next, using your pointer and middle fingers, you press down semi-firmly around the breast, and you feel for lumpy stuff in there. You'll be pleased to know that I found them all no my first try :) Needless to say- I'm a pro. So uh, *cough* *cough* for the sake of proper health and medical science, female viewers in need of a proper breast examination who would rather not pay the $50 copay fee to the doctors, just consider Erik Downes ;)
Well viewers, I've got to go eat dinner.
Thanks for reading, and as always, you're comments are appreciated.
My last night was quite the amazing evening. My friend Balbir is the only Sikh currently attending Oglthorpe University, and he invited me to his friend's home for an evening of fine Indian cuisine. That's what I was expecting, but I received so much more. Not only was the food premium and tenfold more flavorful and diverse than anything Bon Appetit, OU's cafateria service, has to offer, I learned so much more culturally. While the meal was being prepared, I was fortunate enough to see the Guru Granth Sahib if I remember correctly. This phrase connotes the closing of the sacred book while saying a series of prayers. This process begins usually 2 hours before sunrise when the book is opened and unwrapped and ends at night at sunset when it is wrapped again for the night. Whomever unwraps it before daybreak turns to a random page and reads a passage. This passage is to be meditated or thought about throughout the day. During this process, I covered my head, as all Sikhs do, and tried to keep up as everything was in a different language. After it was complete, he explained everything to me, and now I'm relaying it to you, viewers. This was so awesome for me because I am amazed at the religious devotion that they have in this ceremony. It was really sobering and caused me to wonder how much higher my quality of life would be if I woke up and incorporated some degree of God-time into my morning and daily musings. Ponder that about your respective faith, folksies.
Unfortunately, I was unable to get a photo of the Guru Granth Sahib process, but I ran a Google search, and this is what the sacred book set up resembles in a less ornate manner.

As I conclude this P.S, I just wanted to share 2 random things:
1) A link to a pick up line generator. Some people may find this helpful. My favorite line so far is, "If I told you your body was attractive, would you hold it against me?" I don't think I quoted it correctly, but it's amazing nonetheless.
2) I decided to post two pictures of two of my OgleFriends enjoying their meals at our cafeteria. Just because.