Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Ticking Time Bomb

Today is July 8, 2009, and I am afraid. I wouldn't really recommend fear to anyone actually, but I think that after reading the blog, my male viewers will experience this psychological phenomena also. While I remain busy in my little world which currently comprises of a messy room, summer classes, and missing friends, the world is hunkers behind their respective one eyed monsters in fear of a nuclear proliferation at the hands of North Korea's leader, who all to often wears a one piece pajama suit and aviator glasses, or some new happening in the recent demise of Michael Jackson. While these fears, comparet to other worries in the dynamic pop culture of our planet are legit, on varying scales, I believe something far more unnerving and worrisome is working behind the scenes. All doom, gloom, and conspiracy theories aside, the male species is at risk whether Kim Jong Il wears his one piece or not.

During my downtime this evening as I meandered through cyberspace, I found an article highlighting yet another technological innovation of our time. On this day, scientists have created the first sperm in a labratory using retinotic acid which is derived from Vitamin A. This discovery SHOULD lessen male infertility and do a bunch of other great things for humanity. Viewers, hold you applause, and put your thinking caps on! Can't you see what's happening?
It's obvious that an overwhelming trend of female independence is present in our world today. With artists like Beyonce and others crafting catchy verses backing this rising ideology and gender roles changing due to economic downturns and poor track records of lazy males who've done sub par work as fathers, workers, and friends, the first lab grown sperm should strike fear in all males who, with nothing else to offer, cling to their sexuality as their last bastion of masculinity. If sperm can be created without men, what are we good for?

It seems like the answer is: Nothing but wars, cars, and wrestling. But even that is changing. Our world is making consided and persistent efforts to break down barriers; this allows everyone can do anything they so desire to do, and believe me, I'm all for it. However, with every gender, as I've attempted to highlight in previous blog entries, certain traits are almost guaranteed to become evident, and this necessarily isn't a bad thing. For example, a world ruled by men who usually are confident, wreckless, and selfish has plunged civilization into a capitalistic mold which is now crumbling due to excessive greed and dishonesty- among other things. For most, in this past election, the presence of a female democratic candidate, excluding all policy and including preconceived gender traits, promised to undo all that wreckless men have done. . .or so I've heard. I mean think about it. Chancellor Merkel is doing an amazing job in Germany and in the EU. Why couldn't Hilary Clinton do the same here? I hope it's obvious that I'm playing the devil's advocate, but I'm sure you see my point.

If this modern innovation serves as the harbinger I think it does, I forsee an extremely detail oriented and organized world where men, collectively, are the minority. In this world, muscle cars will cease to exist and things that "save the environment and reduce CO2 emissions" will abound at the sacrifice of the exhilerating feeling one receives when one slams their foot down on the gas pedal of a high performance sports vehicle. In this world, conversely, one would slam their foot on the H20 pedal or some other that of some alternative automotive energy source. And to top it all off, politics would be more about one's latest fashion attire than about one's unwavering policies and worldviews. This last point can clearly be seen in the media's response to Michelle Obama's fashion sense.

To the this latest modern innovation, viewers, I ask- Why can't things stay just like Kim Jong Il's one piece suit- exactly the same?

Has society been intoxified by Obama's noxious, and quite hypocritical slogan "Change"? Am I the only one concerned about this, or was everyone else too busy mourning the deaths of celebrities than to ponder the future of our ever changing world?


Katy said...

Oh, so you can "meander through cyberspace" but you can't manage to post a simple comment to my blog, just to let me know you read it? :(

Cassie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Katy said...

I'm sure that comment was really well thought out, however I can see it as nothing but ridiculous.

Men are supposed to be the "superior ones"? THEY are supposed to be the "intelligent"? I'm not saying chivalry is wrong, or that men shouldn't provide for their families or protect the ones they love. However, women (mothers in particular) should most certainly share these roles.

Women shouldn't be allowed to be soldiers? Why shouldn't they? Because we are weak? Or we shouldn't be allowed to handle guns? Are we just too fragile for that? Women should be allowed to protect OUR country in any way we wish, whether it be in the line of fire or not.

Oh, and men shouldn't be secretaries? Or assistants? I see, so these inherently inferior roles should be reserved solely for women, who worked so hard against so much prejudice to simply be allowed to go to school, as opposed to sitting at home learning how to knit and cook and clean properly. But hey, you don't even need to go to college to be a secretary, so I guess that's a moot point.

Saying that careers and the like should be stratified based on gender, doesn't just hinder change but sets us back to where we were just 50 years ago, when women went to college to simply find a husband and were not just expected to wait on her husband and family like a servant but practically forced into it by the culture and lack of opportunity. I'm not saying that being a stay at home wife and mother is wrong, but nowadays (despite the lingering pay difference between men and women and the glass ceiling that prevents women from rising to positions of authority) we have so much more opportunity than the women before us. We have a choice, and so do men, of whether we want to be a kindergarten teacher or the VP of a Fortune 500 Company, or make-up artist or even the president of the United States.

Saying that men and women should fill different roles, whether occupational or social, is simply saying that we aren't equal. And that, in case you couldn't tell, just does not jive with me.

Erik said...

Goodness gracious. What a typo on my part! I was certainly off the mark by a full year lol. Cass, I like your comments and criticisms, and they're all dually noted. If you note, I've made the change to the year, and I'm back in 2009. I'm keeping my proper use of "than" though. I hope that's okay lol.
Katy- we live in America- sure, but there ought to be a divide in what we do. By we, I mean the sexes. If you take a look around our nation you can see what discombobulated gender roles and life choices has created- a society where men are women and women are men (literally and figuratively) Interesting, huh?
I think a happy medium should be reached where we can still exercise our freedom of choice/expression/whatever while still not breaking the mold TOO much. I'm not saying that dudes cant be stay at home dads while mom makes the bacon. Don't get me wrong, but I've never seen a male secretary- to date. And I think I like it that way.

Davey Knific said...

Erik this is probably the coolest post I've read on here... I'm not sure why though.

Erik said...

Dave, it's cuz of Kim's one piece, I'm sure lol.
Thanks for the feedback bro

Chelsea said...

Ah, I think the problem with gender moulds is that we have them in the first place.

I could go into a massive rant here but I do believe that a lot has been said on both sides.

Overall, I truly believe that you can be whatever the hell you want. No to male make up artists? Purlease, some of the best make up artists ARE men. The same in which some of the oh so stereotypical male jobs have had to surrender to the power of a female who excels in that field.

True, my 'be whatever you want to be' may seem like a sloppy option in a debate but I'm currently in a place where I think we need to all stop pushing and pulling at what's going on and just let it happen. The individuals themselves will shape the future, be they male or female.

Glad to see you're still blogging Erik, I haven't caught up on them in a long time. Really enjoyed this entry my fine chiselled friend : )