It's 1:16AM, and It's Good Friday. Accordingly, last night's program at church was centered on Christ's crucifixion. Right now we're focussing on Paul's interaction with the Greeks in Acts 17:24-31 where he encounters their altar dedicated "to an unknown God". If you're interested in the meaning behind that altar's name- post a comment of inquiry, and I'll let you know. In a nutshell, we discussed soteriology, the origin and design of salvation, and we concluded that Jesus is our Substitute, Redeemer, Justification, Righteousness, Propitiation, and Expiation. Phew, that was a mouthful. Onto the crux of the evening. . .
If you scroll up to the image spear heading this blog, you'll notice a small head sandwiched between large images. That's Kevin Queen, and he was the guest speaker for the evening. Contrary to his last name, he spoke with manly precision and power in expounding on the Scripture. When he concluded, he asked the audience to sit down and pray. Everyone sat, and I, too, followed suit. As I prayed, I pondered what I could do to aid the Christian cause. "What could I do to tell more people about Jesus?", I wondered. Soon after this thought bounced around in a most active convolution of my mind, another thought bounced back, "You should edit that book you're reading and post it as an E-book online." Talk about an instantly answered prayer! I'll give you more information on this endeavour later, viewers. After I finished praying, I purposed in my heart that, for once, after everyone finishes praying, I would be the first person to stand up as the speaker asks everyone to.
Soon after I had that newfound purpose, the time came. I heard a monoculture of "amen" among the vast sea of believers, and soon after heads were rising, I was on my feet- bright eyed and bushy taled with purpose and pride reigning strong in my heart. I looked around, and one other person stood. Seconds later, another person stood. I looked around, and I realized that something went fearfully awry.
I quickly looked around in fear, and I began clenching my fists in nervousness. Before I knew it I saw the speaker rising on stage, and the lights were on. All of the seated saints had their eyes fixed on the few standing souls. There was no way to get out of this one. I held my head high, and listened to Pastor Queen say with a smile on his face, "Great. Isn't this beautiful! You've all come through the nervousness, and you're standing. Embrace it." Next, the audience was clapping, and it seemed like all 3-400 eyes in the audience were fixed on me. It turns out that I stood up to signify that I just came to Christ and accepted his sacrifice. I TOTALLY missed this point when I was focussed in prayer. I thought to myself, "Downes, you goofed up."
Now, I've been a Christian all of my life. I felt the heat from being nervous rise to my head, and I could swear I was as red as a beet. I looked to the left, and Annie gave me a smile mixed with satisfaction and wonder. I knew there was no escaping this one. After the program concluded and people exited, two people gave me a hug accompanied by words of assurance which articulated how happy they felt that I just experienced Christ's salvation. I accepted them warmly. After all, who would, after receiving applause from 400 people and praise from the speaker, seek to correct such a mess? I wouldn't. I did however tell Annie and Clair, the other OgleFriend who came to the event, and they laughed so hard that they cried. Annie asked me to tell Kevin, and he, too, laughed at my blunder.
HOW EMBARRASSING! I'm usually a confident guy, but I was so nervous in those few moments. What a Thursday night! It was quite the experience, and I hope you enjoyed reading, viewers. As always, I'm interested in your thoughts. You know what to do!
1 comment:
the story is just as good as the first time you told me!!!
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