It's spring, and spring break is just around the corner. My last week of hell is over, and the sounds of chirping birds, lazy seniors whizzing Frisbees around, and the fact that I am shirtless at present reminds me of how warm I am. Boy do I prefer being cold than warm, and consequently, I've come to conclude that despite enjoying the leisure and endless opportunity during the 5+ day period that is spring break, I'll dread the heat that Florida promises to welcome me with. Be that as it may, I haven't blogged in a weeks time, and I've received numerous requests for another blog. In an effort to bridge the week long gap in my blogging life, I'm going to do something new which may turn out disasterous- a mass blog. Here goes!

You must:
1) Be able to effectively give and receive compliments which hold no meaning.
2) Be able to whistle out of your ass through dininig conversations
3) Be able to laugh in a most obnoxious manner while delivering most unhumourous jokes.
I'm sure everyone has encountered all of these characteristics during their respective lives in interactions with family members that you see once a year, likely during Thanksgiving or "Family Renunions", but I feel that I need to define the term Ass Whistling.
Ass whistling is a phenomenon which occurs when one speaks on a given topic (or if that person is a professional- EVERY topic) as though he/she is an expert in that field and even imparts erronous opinions on that respective topc.
Apart from that, the food was delicious, and I conversed with an Engineer who designed many of the buildings and structures in Atlanta since the 80's. We spoke about the need for more American Engineers. Oddly enough, foreign engineers who study in the U.S. tend to go back to their countries thus leaving America with a deficit of Americans. For you American engineers out there, keep it up. We need you.
I must be somewhat of a good ass whistler too. I know very little about engineering, but I was able to put in my 2 cents on the topic. He was very interested with my input, and we're scheduled to have a meeting this week. How cool is that? Needless to say, I need to brush up on my engineernig before this event.
Now for a little blood and mild gore.

Everytime my lab partner and I lifted the skin on the ventral side of him and began slicing away at him, he began to skwirm and wiggle! This, obviously, was not supposed to happen, so the frog was double and triple pithed, and his involuntary movements persisted every time I attempted to expose his heart. Eventually, I gave up. I couldn't cut him open. My lab partner had to, and we completed the lab where, once the heart was exposed, we punctured it's apex, and placed different drugs (acetyl choline, epinepherine and atrophine) on the frog's heart.
*The last chemical is italicized 'cuz I'm still not sure how to pronounce or spell it lol.
Well, my 1hr blogging time slot is about to come to a close as it's 3:55PM now. On Thursday of last week, however, I attended church with a friend. The topic was identity. We were each given a black stone to symbolize our imperfect identities and formed selves; everyone was asked to throw their imperfect identity away as a symbol of accepting a new and more perfect one that God would impart on them in time. It's a beautiful concept- whether you're religious or not.
I, however, decided to keep my stone. I'm not sure what my identity is as yet, so I'd like to know it before I let it go in order to more readily accept and appreciate a higher purpose in my life. So with the close of this blog, I'd like the viewers to ponder the following question(s):
What is your identity, and are you living the life you think you were designed for? How/Why?
As always, thanks for reading!
Well, first of all, after living in Baltimore all this time, I definitely decided I like hot better than cold. You and the weather are the two sole reasons I am looking forward to coming home for break next week.
Secondly, I LOVED the "Ass Whistler" portion of this blog. Let me just say (recalling mainly from AP Bio) that you are a very good and very entertaining Ass Whistler. On the other had, I think we all know someone whose attempts at Ass Whistling sure are great, but horrendous to listen to (a certain someone who once mistook you for Raheen).
I am sorry to hear about your lively frog. You have a good partner; I would have cut it open for you too.
Lastly, this identity bit sure is deep. I do not think I was design for a particular identity, so I cannot answer your question directly. I thought I had my life planned out exactly as it should be, and exactly how I wanted it. I did, essentially, however I forgot this very important detail which is that people can change without your contribution. I found this out the hard way. So I guess MY identity has remained constant for the last few years. I recognize my abilities and desires; I am just not yet sure how to utilize and achieve them. My goal is to be happy, but I have yet to determine what will make me so and the means by which to obtain it.
I think i am pretty damn good at ass whistling. I am so grateful that you cut your blog to a close after an hour so you could run with me!
And to whoever reads these comments I Am the reason his blog was cut to a close without proofreading or anything else! I feels so proud ;)
Your last question is a toughie and if you ever get that answer, than you a set my friend.
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