There, I said it. Rather- there, I quoted it. This cliche has been repeated, I'd imagine, far before my birth, but it's such an irksome and troublesome phrase. Why? Because I'm a nice guy (or so I've been told). I first heard this phrase in middle school, and it's given me trouble since. My French friend said that girls are attracted to bad and rebellious guys.
[At this point in my post, I feel it's necessary to say that the people on the floor above me are having sex. The frequent squeaks from the bed frame and moans make this the only logical conclusion. ]
Where was I? Oh yes. She said that females are attracted to the "bad guys", but ultimately want to marry a "nice guy". This concept utterly confuses me, and leaves me to conclude that women are complex, confused, backwards, and interesting individuals. Wouldn't it just make more sense to cut to the chase and pursue relations with a guy you'd like in the long run? It only makes sense. But then again, I have a male brain.
Well, just like the sun's celestial movements, I feel that this situation is fixed. No amount of blogging I do will change this confound. I really won't feel satisfied with ending this blog like this though. I need to blame someone- anyone, and who better than Hollywood? I'm convinced that if it wasn't for Hollywood and it's deep influence in the media, the world would be completely different. It would be quite the lovely place, actually. In this utopia, nice guys would finish first, and bad guys would realize that if they don't change their mindset, they'll end up last. In this utopia, nice guys won't need a tragic event/accident/mishap to be noticed by their desired female as is the case in most Hollywood films because their niceness will shine forth as the sun's rays after a sultry rainy day in Atlanta.
Somehow, I'm still doubtful and perhaps Panglossian. Do nice guys really finish last? Is society fixed in this skewed and faulty paradigm? Help me out here, viewers. Post your comments below.
At last, the blog is complete, and so is the sex on the floor above. With that, goodnight, all, and thanks for reading!
"breaking up is hard to do"
i want a nice guy, but then again, i'm not a normal girl. most girls don't look for the guy they want in the long run right now, but i haven't got a clue why
mh. So it does often happen that nice guys are in a disadvantage....I have had a few complaints from "nice" guys about exactly this topic. But I think there is girls who do know of this stereotype and rather stick with the nice guys and simply wait instead of having a jerk next to their side.
I dated the pinnacle of nice boys for a year, and the reason I panicked and then dated someone I fought with all the time was simply fear of commitment. With most typical, bad relationships, there's an expiration date. With a nice guy, it could last forever and you could be cutting yourself off from new experiences. Also, with a guy who's always pissing you off, it hurts less when it doesn't work out because deep down you didn't expect it to. When a relationship with a guy who is wonderful and sweet and respectful doesn't work, you feel like you are fundamentally flawed and doomed at relationships. Such is life!
Thanks everyone for the comments!It's good to have different opinions and feedback, especially from the opposite sex.
Cassie, you're not normal, indeed, but I think you're a head of the curve. Perhaps all girls reject "being normal" as time progresses and they become wiser?
Schl, show me such a girl; I doubt she exists.
Tay, I guess you've got a valid point. Man, methinks ye ole women over-think. Every girl wants to get married. Why, then, do girls want relationships with expiration dates?
Ok, One who the deuce lives above you?
And two it's true, to a certain extent. Bad boys bring excitement, nice guys bring monotony. Not all the time but sometimes. I've been attracted to both though, so IDK. Sometimes having a bad boy can be stressful and having a nice guy can be boring. I guess it's a personal preference.
Oh, btw not every girl wants to get married.
It's a sticky question, even so I'm not sure you've got it right here. Whether or not a guy "finishes last" depends both on how he defines this term and what he is running toward.
If the nice guy considers losing to be a failed relationship with one girl who is either bored or confused or afraid, then of course he feels like he's in last place. Finding love is no sprint, it takes perseverance in the face of countless bumps, twists and turns, and especially dead ends.
In trying to respond to this entry I've come to find that the term "nice guy" is not always synonymous with "smart guy", or perhaps "patient guy" would be better.
And finally, let me ask you this: could it be that YOU are attracted to the sort of girl who wants to date bad boys? This whole "nice guys finish last" thing can apply to girls too.
erik, i'd just like to inform you that this paradigm is total b.s. there isn't some magical golden ratio of badassness to "nice-guyness" that all girls are going to be looking for. fact of the matter is, people are different. they look for different things in potential partners and the idea is to find someone who's looking for whatever it is you are. that's my admittedly corny take on the subject.
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