Monday, August 18, 2008

First Blog Entry

Hey all,

The name's Erik. Mine is atleast, but on this blog, I go by Quark. Why am I blogging? Well, I'd like to believe that I've got a mildly interesting live here on Earth. Hopefully that should set me apart from all of the other folksies out there. I aspire to become a professional blogger some time soon.

This blog really doesnt have any specific target. It's not dedicated to food, games, technology, or any of the like I mean. The world is a pretty big place. I figure if I dont have a specific topic/target, I'll have more to write about.

So, in this blog, I'll be focussing on any and everything that crosses my mind as I aimlessly wander about cyberspace or throughout my day.

I'd love to have feedback. If anything interests anyone, do post a response!

1 comment:

Tse Ruey said...

go to this website! and you can change ur blogtemplate!!
