Tuesday, August 19, 2008

10/4/2008- the Day of No Sun and Intergalactic CO2 Emisions?

Earlier today I viewed the following Youtube video:


Apparently on this date, October 14, 2008, a UFO of unimaginable proportions (20 miles in length) is supposed to unleash psychedelic force field and hover over many states on this little blue ball in space we know as Earth. How strange.

I'm not worried about this at all because these UFO seem to be peaceful (rofl). I do wonder, however, how will a spacecraft measuring 20mi in length in our atmosphere affect global warming? I mean, these aliens claim to be trying to save us from the apocalypse, yet they decide to pollute our atmosphere while they hover over us for 3days? How sweet.

There's a lot of hub bub going on about this and whethere it will happen or not. Seers and channeler say yes, but I highly doubt it. Only time will tell.

Keep you eyes open!
(You might miss the giant 20 mile long spacecraft in the sky for 3days if you're not observant)

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